An overview over all the benefits.


With our incremental approach you avoid the pitfalls of conventional multivariant testing. Essentially it allows you to minimise opportunity costs during your tests by finding an optimal solution much quicker. Learn More...


To help you analyze your tracked data there are standard and advanced reports at your disposal. In addition, you are able to create any report you have in mind by using our custom reports and DQL. Learn More...


Innovation to the world of A/B Testing - Now you are able to test broader ideas such as: #aggressiveness, #popups and #nationality. Tag experiements and create whole strategies. Learn More...


To be as dynamic as it can get, is what we try to be. Now you can add automation to your testing process. You can listen on any event our system fires and follow up by painting your workflow and tell the system what should be done. Learn More...


All the actions available on the graphical user interface (creating experiments, previewing experiments, etc.) can also be performed through our API. On top of that we provide SDKs for most languages. Learn More...


DuckProve introduces a draw query language (DQL). It is very similiar to SQL but allows drawing charts. This language is easy to learn and it allows you to create your custom reports. Learn More...


You can filter serveral IP addresses, countries or anything you want to filter on. DuckProve is customizable even when it comes to filters. Learn More...


Administrators can manage which users have access to DuckProve, and can choose between reading, writing and administrator permissions. Learn More...